This is easily done by tapping the tilde (~) key For other uses, see Console Commands (Skyrim)/Armor. Just like in a first-person shooter game with a counter-attack shooter, you have to press a scribble (`) to open the console block under the Esc key on your keyboard. This guide as all the teleporting commands of the game. Only hours after the release of the long What clothes can you wear under armor Fallout 4? The only clothing included, meaning that you can equip all armor slots, are these: Army Fatigues (+1 Str and Agi) Baseball Uniform (+1 Str and Agi) Dirty Army Fatigues (+1 Str and Agi) Green Shirt and Combat Boots (+1 End and Cha) Military Fatigues (+2 Agi To get a weapon mod id open up the console type in (help "comfort grip" 4) without the parenthesis. But even if you know all the useful commands of a game, they are not useful unless you know how to use them.

tcl – No collision with objects will allow you to walk through walls and go anywhere. moveto player: Teleports the selected item close to the player. Type the cheat code or name of an item into the search box to instantly filter 323 IDs. As such, any faction-related armor cannot be held by them, as they will reject it every time and will be dropped in front of the character if they try to place it in their inventory. These only work on the PC version of Fallout 4.

Fallout 4 cheats and console commands: Freecam, god mode The system is divided into nine slots and two layers : Base layer Body (pants, shirts, vault jumpsuits, etc.